MIWG Newsletter November 3, 2017

Greetings woodworkers!

I hope that you have prepared for winter with snow tires, shovels, and salt! It is time to get out of the nasty weather and into our workshops after such a beautiful Fall.

Our next Mid-Island Woodworkers’ Guild meeting is on Wednesday, November 8, and the scheduled presentations will be Ed Tremblay on flattening boards with a router, and Brian Rigby – Vice-Chair of Jonanco.

After the presentations are finished at our next meeting, we will hold our Annual General Meeting with the election of our Directors who become the Executive of the Guild.

Several of us had a meeting with Paul Mottershead, Associate Dean – Trades and Applied Technology, and MLA Leonard Krog a couple of weeks ago to explore the potential joint efforts of MIWG and VIU to provide some woodworking instructional options to the community in the future. The most likely early outcome of this would be that VIU would provide a classroom venue for instructional activities. Paul also conducted us on a tour of the Carpentry Program shop, and the Heavy Duty Mechanics shop next door.

We have purchased a gallon of “End Seal” which should be painted onto any ends of any green wood that has just been cut. If you are a member, please contact me directly if you are planning on cutting or acquiring freshly cut wood and would like to add this End Seal.

Stay tuned here for the first of many woodworking courses that we hope to offer to our members on in the future. We hope to begin very soon with a Safety course and a First Aid course. There will be public announcements here when we have details on instructors, dates, times, locations and costs. Our Guild insurance will cover all members who take these courses! (If you are not already a member, see our Membership page if these courses are of interest to you.)

Anyway, as usual, I extend an invitation to any and all to attend our next General Meeting on Wednesday, November 8 at Meeting Room A, 355 Wakesiah Road, at 6:30 pm. Put it on your calendar, and we welcome all visitors!

Meanwhile, …while you are on your computer, we would appreciate it if you “Like” us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/miwoodworkers/.

Hopefully, I’ll see you all soon!

Best wishes,


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