
Follow us on Instagram! The Mid-Island Woodworkers Guild (MIWG) has its own Instagram account. View photos and videos from Guild meetings, activities and events.

Some members of the Mid-Island Woodworkers Guild were out at Frost Fields today and they built some shelving to hold and organize some of the turning blanks that we have for sale. Many thanks to everyone who participated! #miwg #woodworking #vancouverislandwoodworking ...

We had a beautiful sunny day for milling logs at Frost Fields. Some Black Locust, Cherry and Maple logs were cut on the Wood-Mizer, labelled and stacked under cover to begin air drying. Some of the Black Locust planks are shown here. Thanks to all the members who came out to help! #miwg #woodworking #vancouverislandwoodworking ...

Here are some of the Mid Island Woodworker’s Guild executive and members who attended today’s planning session at Frost Fields. We had a great day getting together to explore ways to make the MIWG experience even better. Watch for some interesting changes coming up this fall! If you are a woodworker or interested in woodworking and live in mid Vancouver Island area visit our website at for more information on how to join this dynamic group. #woodworking#nanaimo#miwg#woodart#woodartisan#vancouverisland ...

MIWG Member, Paul McCuish, is participating in the “In The Annex Art Show”, which is being held in the Portals Gallery in Duncan. Paul’s furniture is very impressive and the show is well worth attending. The show is running till July 29, so please try to attend, you won’t be disappointed! ...

In this video, Roger is cutting a log in half lengthwise to make some turning blanks, enough for about 6 bowls. It’s pretty impressive to watch a professional using a big chainsaw like this. He makes it look easy!

#woodworking #guild #nanaimo #ladysmith #vancouverisland

Here’s a large stump from a 200+ year old Arbutus tree which grew here on Vancouver Island. Ed is standing beside it to lend some perspective on how big this tree was. Tony is planning on carving something special from this stump.

#woodworking #guild #nanaimo #ladysmith #vancouverisland

Prototype of a sign for the guild, carved using a CNC machine.

#woodworking #guild #nanaimo #ladysmith #vancouverisland