MIWG Newsletter – April 9, 2018

Greetings fellow Woodworkers and friends!

April showers have extended our times in our workshops as ski hills are slowing down activities, fishing isn’t active, sailing is chilly and dreary, and yard work can wait for warmer, sunnier days. Its all good!

At our March meeting, the husband and wife team of Karen Trickett and Cam Russell did a wonderful presentation (according to my sources, since I was, regretfully, unable to attend). They showed slides of their current projects including the refinishing of wooden panelling on an older vehicle. They also passed around samples of different finishings that they use. These two folks are truly amazing and talented woodworkers! If anyone took pictures at this presentation, I would be happy to post some soon.

Our April meeting this coming Wednesday, April 11, will also feature a Duncan-area woodworker – Michael Moore. Last year, a Mid-Island Woodworkers’ Guild shop tour included both Cam and Karen’s workshop, as well as Michael’s. Michael is a self-taught wood AND metal worker with one of the most incredibly finished metalwork shops where he creates fabulous metal work and integrates it with equally beautiful and amazing woodworking. You won’t want to miss this presentation! As always, MIWG welcomes guests and family members for free. Please join us and bring your “besties”.

Also on Wednesday’s agenda will be the displays of our latest “contest/project” – the Gottshall Blocks! Since I missed the March meeting, I am really curious as to what this project is, and am looking forward to seeing the results. If you haven’t finished yours…get to it! You only have 3 days left!

As a nod to our “family” organization in Victoria – the Vancouver Island Woodworkers’ Guild – I strongly recommend that you make every effort to make a trip to Victoria to see the products of the VIWG membership at the “Visions in Wood – 2018” craft display at the Arts Centre at Cedar Hill – 3220 Cedar Hill Road before it ends on April 29. (8:00 am to 8:00 pm). Four of our own MIWG members are also members of VIWG, and Brian McLaurin and Steve Neil both have contributed items to this display. We’ll look forward to a report on this Show.

And…I hope that you had a chance to visit the Pacific Brant Carving and Art Show in Parksville this weekend. This has become an International event! When he returns from a holiday, I hope that our Secretary, Bill Beese, (who is also an Executive member of the local Carving Club, an accomplished carver, and one of the organizers of this event) will give us an overview of this Pacific Brant Carving activity and also his participation in the Bird Carving Championships in Maryland, US.

Other important news and events:

Our “Member-at-Large” and organizer/instructor for the “Mini-Bench Build” – Bob Armstrong – has recently been ill and has not recovered sufficiently in order to manage the “Mini-Bench Build” session. Therefore, that session has been put on hold for the time being. Also, since I was away and unable to adequately “publicize” the planned Garage Sale for this coming Saturday, it, too, has been postponed – until Saturday April 28.

So…Next up – Our General Meeting on Wednesday at 6:30 at NDSS, Meeting Room A and…

April 28 – Garage Sale (Prepare or finish your sales items with pricing notes and pictures! I will be providing a form for participating as a seller in this garage sale very soon.)

Best wishes to all, and see you on Wednesday!


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