The Story of Salmon

I am grateful for the support of Mid Island WoodWorkers’ Guild, Qualicum Beach Rotary Club, Town of Qualicum Beach, MIVIHES and MABRI. Dolly’s Home hardware and Courtyard Coffee for their donations.

Along with all the Amazing ARTISTS who participated. It was a wonderful turn out at the beach today over 125 visitios over the course of the day stopped by. Even the weather was lovely.

If you missed the fish exhibition Please vist Town Hall in Qualicum Beach September 26th-October 3rd 2023. To see this impressive and meaningful community public art project.

Diane Moran

The Mid-Island Woodworkers’ Guild donated Fir planks, with which members of the Guild cut out over 40 Salmon-shaped fish. Local youth and adults from the community then painted and installed the fish. This was for the WORLD RIVERS DAY and Qualicum Beach Culture Days 2023 which was held in Qualicum beach in 2023.

Here is the original request from Diane Moran for help with this project:

I Diane Moran Visual Artist and Volunteer Coordinator of “The Story of Salmon.” A Public Arts installation and community education project focusing on the Story of Beach Creek. Hand painted fish will be on display for BC and World Rivers Day. Students and Seniors will hand paint wooden “Yellow Fish” with their design that reflects ideas of the Art of Nurturing our forest’s, fish and waterways locally and globally. The painted art fish will be on display publicly and I will organize a few public education talks with local Salmon and Water Conservation Groups during Culture Days between September 22 and October 15th.