MIWG Registration Form

Please note that all of the information which you are providing in this registration form to setup your account on our website is private and confidential and can only be accessed by members of the Guild.

Mandatory Fields

Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*). These mandatory fields are all necessary in order to create your account on the MIWG website. Your username or your email address and your password are used to log onto the website.
The suggested format for Usernames is "First-name Last-Name". For example, if your name is John Doe, we suggest that you set up your username as John Doe.
Passwords must be 8-30 characters long and must contain at least one lowercase letter and at least one uppercase letter and at least one number.
Passwords must be 8-30 characters long and must contain at least one lowercase letter and at least one uppercase letter and at least one number.
Preferred format is xxx-yyy-zzzz.
Preferred format is xxx-yyy-zzzz.

Optional Fields

These fields can be set up now, or you can edit them later once your account has been activated. This data will be visible to other members of the guild, but will not be visible to anyone else on the internet.
Please check all of your special interests

Code of Conduct

At all times...
  1. All members will treat each other with respect.
  2. Members will act in such a way as to maintain a strong positive public perception of the organization.
  3. All Members will act in such a way as to maintain the health and safety of other members at all MIWG meetings and events.

Release of Liability and Waiver of Claims

I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that I wish to participate in workshops, courses, meetings and other events held by, sponsored by, or co-sponsored by the Mid-Island Woodworkers’ Guild (the “Guild”).
I accept all responsibility for, and release the Guild from any claims, losses, damages, or expenses of any kind whatsoever arising out of any injury, loss or death that may occur or arise out of attending or participating in any event held or sponsored by the Guild, or while using any equipment at such events. I will not advance any claims whatsoever against the Guild, its officers, executives, directors, agents or volunteers for any claims, losses, damages, or expenses, arising from any cause, including negligence, that may occur at such events. I will read, understand, and follow the woodworking safety guidelines as stated in the internet site of the “Canadian Centre of Occupational Safety and Health” at all times while attending any events held or sponsored by the Guild.
By attending any MIWG workshop or activity, I agree to allow the Guild to use any photographic images which may be taken at such an event for its web pages or advertising directly related to Guild Programs. I have read, understand and agree to the above Waiver and Liability Policy and Privacy Policy statements.
The date that you agreed to the waiver.